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The Best Comic Book Magazine for Kids – Champak

Friday, August 21, 2009
Champak Magazine
Yes, Champak is the most famous kid’s magazine. Basically, the comic book is the most famous in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, MP, Delhi and Jharkhand. It is about more than one decade of the magazine. It is now e-magazine also. The magazine is perfect for any kids who want to enjoy with books. It is not a comic but it is in the comic format. It is dedicated to kids so; it is known as little Champak also.

Champak comic book magazine has great fun and enjoyment for any kids. It is full of comic, story, paintings and quiz. A kid can enjoy with either paintings or quiz. Some kids can enjoy with comic or story. There are many dreamy story and comic in the book.

The book is basically in the book magazine format so, it is known as magazine also. It is the most successful magazine among Indian kids. It is India based comic book magazine. Champak gives the right to write and paint something which is published in the magazine.

Many quiz of the book attract kids. Painting of the magazine is amazing. All the story of the comic is fantastic so, kids enjoy much with it. In my childhood, I had also read many story of Champak.

Champak magazine is in English and Hindi language popularly. There are many creative things to attract kids in the book. The book is dedicated to kids but many young and olds like it.

Champak is monthly magazine in lowest price. You can order for a year or lifetime for the magazine. You can be a monthly subscriber also of the magazine by paying advance money.

Most creative things of the magazine are cartoons. There are many cartoons in the magazine and over the magazine. There are many instructions also to make a child busy in books. My preferred magazine for a kid is Champak, for always.
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Assignment from MBA Books Review

Thursday, March 5, 2009
MBA is the core course for nowadays. MBA books are needed for every one. Most of the students are in need of short review of those books. There are some students also which are needed of assignment of MBA books. So, today here on the book reviews blog I am going to share of a MBA assignment by a blog:

"The assignment is also from the Production and operations Management MBA book (MB 0028). It is for 2nd semester also. The chapter has great importance from examination point of view also like material flow chapter which has been already mentioned previously.

Question.2. what are the reasons for failure of a project? Give suitable examples.

Answer: Before knowing the reasons of failure we have to know about project.
Project is a set of activities which are networked in order and aimed towards achieving goal of a project.

Now, the reasons are project failure:

Incidence of Project failure
Projects being initiated of random at all levels
Project objective not in line with business objective
Project management not observed
Project manager with no prior experience in the related project
Non- dedicated team
Lack of complete support from clients

Factors contributing to project success not emphasized:

Project objective in alignment with business objective
Working within the framework of project management methodology
Effective scoping planning, estimation, execution, controls and reviews, project bottlenecks
Communication and managing expectations effectively with clients, team merits and stake holders
Prior expectance of PM in a similar project

Overview of information and communication Technologies (ICT) project:

Involve information and communication technologies such as the word wide web, e-mail, fiber-optics satellites
Enable societies to produce, access, adapt and apply information in greater amount, more rapidly and at reduce casts
Offer enormous opportunities for enhancing business and economic viability
Common problems encountered during projects
No prioritization of project activity from an organizational position
One or more of the stages in the project mishandled
Less qualified non-dedicated manpower
Absence of smooth flow of communication between the involved parties

These basic reasons lead a project to failures. In the project failures business management and project management is directly involved. From the management point of view it is basic things to care above topics to success of a project. Project is the core business of a company. In the MBA assignment its role has been defined from the management prospective."

Data source : What are the Reasons for Failure of a Project? – Assignment 2 of MB 00228
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Accounting Book Review from Financial Blog

Monday, February 9, 2009
Today, I have decided to share something interesting for you. It is financial book review in terms of accounting. You can say it is the accounting book review from the MBA book. So, it will be review of accounting management. I am not going to write again that review but also I am going to share that review which is already published on the financial management blog. Below is full review:

"I have started this chapter from the theoretical point of view. So, there need to introduce about the financial accounting. It is an important part of management organization to control over the resources. In another way we can say that to run a business entity depends upon many resources like – land, labour, capital and management along with many persons like – engineer, MBAs and accountant to find out the financial performance of that entity. In the conclusion we can say without accounting we can not communicate with the outside world. People says it is the language of business but I think it not necessary of only business activities but also, it is also important for non-business activities also like – accounting for charitable institution, accounting is school or family etc.

In an organization accounting broadly known for:

1. Cost planning and cost control on the evaluation of people and activities.

2. Brand, products and customer categorization.

3. Strategic and tactical decisions for managers

4. Financial statements to investors, government authorities and other parties through external reporting.

Our goal through the financial accounting concepts:

Concept of accounting

Meaning of Accounting Trail

Accounting equation

Now we will discussion on accounting concepts. Theories show that “Accounting was born without notice and reared in neglect.” I also admit that accounting was not theorized 1st it was practiced 1st.

The Entity Concept

For a business man his business is an artificial entity distinct from its proprietor(s). A business man can have their own real estate, accounts, an other assets and he can be in partnership, proprietorship or corporate entity but he is not the whole entity of all the accounts. There can be single or sole entity depends on the business and distribution.

Double Entry Accounting

The accounting term has been defined by the American Institute of Accountants which is now known as American Institute of Certified Public Accounts. According to that accounting was, “the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of a financial character, an interpreting the results thereof.”

The main aspect of double entry is credit and debit. The crux of the matter of double entry is “each transaction has two aspect debit and credit equally”.

With the accounting process these sequences of activities process run:


Preparation of Vouchers

Recording in the Primary Books

Posting in the Secondary Books

Preparation of Trail Balance

Preparation of Presentation of Financial Statements

One more things have involved with the financial accounting that are financial statements that are the end products of the accounting process. In the financial statements balance sheet are main thing which contain three elements – Assets, Liability and Equity.

In the summary of the chapter I want to explain some financial terms that are:

The Accounting trail is the initial process of financial statements.

The Accounting Equation is the process of balance sheet of different elements.

Debit comes from the Latin word ‘debeo’ which meaning is ‘owned to me, the proprietor’.

Credit is also comes from the Latin word ‘credo’ which meaning is ‘trust or believe’.

These are the some main terms of financial accounting which commonly comes. Along with assets, liability, income, expenses and equity also involve in terms of financial accounting."

Source Via :Financial Accounting – An Introduction
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SMU MBA book Review - Conflict Management Chapter by Blog

Saturday, January 10, 2009
I want to explore one of the chapters which are known as conflict management in MBA course. Here I want to share some thought about that chapter. I want share one of the post from a blog which is decent on the topic. Let’s read the chapter review from the SMU MBA book:

"Best examples of conflict are conflict between management and employees. Conflict a serious problem in any organization if the problem not handle properly.

Conflict Management Objectives from the MBA Book

Definition of Conflict

Outcome of Conflict

Forms of Conflict

Conflict Management Strategies


Causes of Stress

Stress Management

Crisis of Management

About the conflict in an organization there are many definitions by some academician. At 1st we will give some light on Gray and Starke’s theory of conflict management, “Conflict is behaviour by a person or group that is purposely designed to inhibit the attainment of goals by another person or group. This ‘purposeful inhibition may be active or passive.”

According to K. W. Thomas conflict is, “processes that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about.”

At last I give one more definition about conflict by B. Kabanoff, “Conflict refers to a disagreement, opposition, or struggle between two or more individuals or groups. It results from incompatible influence attempts between and within individuals, groups or organizations.”

In the age of globalization company has conflicts in terms of people personality, values, attitudes, perceptions, languages, cultures and national backgrounds.

Now, we will discuss about outcomes of conflicts. Outcome of conflicts is the results of conflicts. Conflicts has two consequences – Positive and Negative.

Positive consequences of conflicts are:

Leads to new ideas

Stimulates Creativity

Motivates changes

Promotes Organizational vitality

Helps Individual and Groups

Indicate Problems

Negative consequences of conflicts are:

Diverts energy from work

Wastes of resources

Creates negative climate

Breaks down group cohesion

Increase hostility and aggressive behaviours

Conflicts are divided into two parts – Functional Conflict and Dysfunctional conflict.

Functional conflicts support the goals of the group and improve its performance while dysfunctional conflict hinders the group performance.

In this chapter now we have to discuss about sources of organizational conflict. These are:

Line and Staff Competition

Organization-Individual Disagreements

Overlapping Responsibilities

Functional Interdependence

Personality Clashes

Disagreement over Goals

Flow of Work

Conflict can be divide into two forms also – Intra-Individual or Interpersonal conflict. An Individual can get experience about cognitive conflict, affective conflict, inter-role conflict, intra-role conflict and personal-role conflict.

Strategies of Conflict Management

In the strategies of conflict management we can include – avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising and collaborating which is style of management.


In this chapter we have to study about negotiation also. Negotiation is a process by which we can define conflict what they are willing to give and accept in return. Negotiation has been including in this chapter because it is a part of conflict management. Negotiation process solves management conflicts towards the employees.

There can be some negotiation steps:


Evaluation of Alternatives

Identifying Interests


In every country there are different cultural differences in negotiation. Like Japanese give the high importance of emotional sensitivity while for North American it has no high value.

In the negotiation there are two major approaches – Distributive Bargaining and Integrative Negotiation.

In today world there are more value of third-party negotiators who known as – mediator, arbitrator, consultant, inquisitor and delegator or avoider.


Stress is exceeding complex. Here I will give some definition which has been proposed by theoreticians. According to J. C quick and J. D Quick, “Stress, or the stress response, is the unconscious preparation to fight or flee a person experiences when faced with any demand.”

Another definition from Mikhail is also very important, “Stress refers to a psychological and physiological state that result when certain features of an individual’s environment challenge that person, creating an actual or perceived imbalance between demand and capability to adjust that results in a non-specific response.”

I think stress creates from our environmental situation. Stress affects normally our health.

The causes of stress

After having study the definition of stress we need to know about causes of stress. In the causes of stress we can introduce conflict.

There is some cause of stress:

Inner conflicts

Perceptual influences

Thresholds of stress

Motivational level

Stress value can be measured by a rating scale. These are:

If a person feels about the spouse death its mean value is 100. Like that when a person gets notice of divorce then stress value mean of 73 scales.

In this chapter we will study about two type of behaviour pattern – A and B.

In pattern of “A” behaviour we see these:





Devotion to work

Feeling of Intense time Pressure

Attempts to several things at once

In the type of “B” behaviour pattern we can summarize it as:

Never suffer from a sense of time urgency

Feel no need to display any achievement

Play for fun

To manage stress we can follow some level which can be:

Individual Level

Organisation Level

Crisis Management

It is the last chapter of conflict management. Crisis management is an issue in business world. It is a big issue for now. We can categories crisis management.

Types of Crisis

Natural Disaster

Environmental disaster

Industrial accident

Shortfall in demand

At last, we can say conflict can be a serious problem for a company or organisatioin."

Source Via :Conflict Management – MBA Book
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