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SMU Book Review From blog

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Recently, I visit a well established blog which is on MBA education. Here I got a useful post related to book review of SMU. It can be helpful for all the MBA students. Read here full about the book review:

"The book name is “Management Process and Organisation Behaviour”. The code of the book name is “MB 0022”.

In short I am reviewing the book. It is the 1st book for MBA students of SMU (Sikkim Manipal University).

At 1st I want to introduce of “MBA”. MBA is the short name of Master of Business Administration. MBA comes with modern age especially with big and private firm to manage and cost-cutting. It is known as problem solving program also.

With the Book of “MB 0022” we will discuss about its chapter. In the book there are 10 chapters.

1st chapter name is “Organisational Behaviour”. It deals the behaviour of manager in an organization. With this chapter we have to study about managerial roles, management skills, nature and features of OB, challenges of OB etc.

2nd chapter name is “Foundation of Organisational Behaviour: Individual Behaviour”. With this chapter we have to learn about theories of learning, abilities, principles of reinforcement etc.

“Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction” is the name of 3rd chapter. With this chapter we have to study about contemporary ethical issues in organization, cognitive dissonance theory, worked attitudes and job satisfaction etc.

“Personality & Emotions” it is forth chapter of “MB 0022” SMU Book. In this book there are some topics which we have to study that are – definition of personality, theories of personalities, theories of emotion etc.

“Perception” is the fifth chapter of the book. Perception is primary way to evolve of ideas, thought and understanding of surroundings.

In the “Motivation” chapter which is 6th chapter of the book let us know that it derives needs and desire to achieve goals.

“Group Behaviour” the 7th chapter of “MB 0022” Book of SMU. It let us know that group is a defined with more than two peoples to achieve a common goals.

In the 8th chapter we have to study about “Power and Politics in Organisation”. In this chapter we have learnt how to use power and politics in an organization as an MBA.

Nine chapter of the book is related to “Conflict Management”. According to K. W. Thomas Conflict is, “A Process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about.”

Last chapter of the book is related to change and its name is “Organisational Change and Development”. The chapter is all about change and development about an organization and tells us that everything is changeable and process of development.

In the summery of book we can say it is all about for management, characters of manager, problems within organsiation, conflict, development, group, motivation, job satisfaction etc.

I have thought, in my second post I want to share my thought of questions papers patterns in MBA of SMU."
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Biswee Sadee Ke Nayak Book Review

Monday, November 3, 2008
The book is still in Hindi version. It is written by an Indian writer Narendra Kumar. Narendra is not a professional writer but because it was his 1st novel. The Novel was published in 2006 1st time. The Book name “Biswee Sadee Ke Nayak” essence is Heroes of 20th century.

The book is related to mine also that is why I writing its review. It was composed and advertise by mine with writer.

Biswee Sadee Ke Nayak starts from Gaya which is a district of Bihar state, India. The story theme is from Morhar river of Bihar where one of the heroes of Biswee Sadee Ke Nayak has been killed by some higher class society by books.

The novel lead the society of working class against higher/dominant class. The fight against dominant class by Nathun Mahto shows the essence of the novel.

In this novel writer has tried to make appear many class, society, character etc. The Beswee Sadee Ke Nayak represents the leadership of working class.

The writer says that the novel cover the story of Godan after the 1957 of North India. It is not most famous but got some honorable positions in the local area.

It is published by “Iskra Publication” which is writer's personal publication. The book is hard copy only.
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New Book Review of “Marrying Anita”

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Marrying Anita Book
It is new book by Anita Jain. Anita Jain is Indian American Journalist who currently live in New Delhi. The Book Marrying Anita's full name is : “Marrying Anita: A Quest for Love in the New India”. The book is recently published by Penguin Publisher.

Anita Jain was a journalist who turned in to author with her book Marrying Anita: A Quest for Love in the New India. The Book shows the journey of Anita. The Journey is from New York to New Delhi. Recently the book is being famous.

In the reviews of the book HT writes, “...Marrying Anita is a book, which is not only about her encounters with the suitable grooms, but also about the modern India; its ambitious youngsters, booming economy and changing mindset of people living in Delhi, where she discovers youngsters like her who live life on their own terms. ...”

The book is being sold on Amazon, msn and more. On Amazon its price after deduction is $16.49 and along with the book Gift-wrap you can get also.
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Best Children's Book – Voted by Philip Pullman

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Recently in a news it has been announced that “Philip Pullman’s Northern Lights has been voted the best children’s book of the past 70 years by the public.” The news was from a online UK magazine. It was:

The author received 40 per cent of the total votes cast in an online poll, beating Mary Norton’s The Borrowers and Alan Garner’s The Owl Service.

The Top Ten “Carnegie of Carnegies” list was compiled by the organisers of Britain’s most prestigious prize in children’s literature, the CILIP Carnegie Medal.

The Carnegie does not offer a cash prize, but is sought after by children's writers because of its unique judging process. Unlike other literary awards, which seek submissions from publishers, the Carnegie takes its nominations from librarians.

Pullman said: “I am humbled and honoured that Northern Lights has been chosen from among so many wonderful books. Personally I feel they got the initials right but not the name. I don’t know if the result would be the same in a hundred year’s time; maybe Philippa Pearce would win then.”

The top ten list drew criticism when it was released in April for not including some of the best-known and most successful children’s writers of the era. Enid Blyton, J. K. Rowling and Jacqueline Wilson were not on the list because they have never won the prize. Read More From timesonline

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Wage Labour and Capital – An Economic Books Reviews

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wage, Labour and Capital book is written by Marx. It is the initial stage of Marx writing related to economy when he wrote the book. After that he wrote many books but at last Das Capital was most famous in the economic book.

In the introductions of the book Fredric Engles writes,
“...Therefore, I say to the reader at once: this pamphlet is not as Marx wrote it in 1849, but approximately as Marx would have written it in 1891. Moreover, so many copies of the original text are in circulation, that these will suffice until I can publish it again unaltered in a complete edition of Marx’s works, to appear at some future time...”

About the wage and money relation Marx explain,
“...The exchange value of a commodity estimated in money is called its price. Wages therefore are only a special name for the price of labour-power, and are usually called the price of labour; it is the special name for the price of this peculiar commodity, which has no other repository than human flesh and blood...”

You can read whole book from here: Wage Labour and Capital
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The German Ideology – Philosophical Book

Sunday, September 28, 2008
The German Ideology was written by Marx. I have already wrote about Marx another book Das Capital which was a economical book. German Ideology was a Philosophical book which was written in 1845. It was Marx's initial book on the research of Philosophy for Phd. Degree.

In this book Marx has emphasized on Materialistic outlook of world. The book was for specially on Feurbach critiques. At first Marx was defined errors of Feurbach by this book. Dealing with this book Marx shown that materialistic concept of philosophy is dialectical not mechanism.

Feurbach was right when he was on nature but he was not right when he was on society in his theory. What was the basic error of Feurbach was concluded by this book. The German Ideology shows the German politics actually by German philosophy.
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Economical book Reviews

Friday, September 12, 2008
Das Capital
I always recommend a book which is related to economics. I studied the book time to time. The writer is Karl Marx from 19th century. About the writer intellectual has decided that he was most intelligent person of 20th century.

I am talking about Das Capital. Das Capital is one of the most liked books by everybody. It is related to economics. The book is divided into 3 parts. Das Capital evolve question and solve the entire question related to economics.

In the book Marx has elaborated real economical problem which is related to human life. In the starting of book Marx has written its introduction. In the introduction he as define that the book is against capitalist system and evolve a new system socialist.

After having study the book you will be able to know all the exploitation of capitalist system and how capitalist system is out dated now. The book has been written after historical analysis and on the scientific thought.

Originally the book was written in German language. But soon it was translated in most of language.
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About Business, Finance and Law books

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Law Books

What is the best way to getting the books? I will recommend for it library because all the aspect of business, finance and low books we can not find from only the books there should be diary, newspaper and review as well as raw data also. All the data can be available in the library only. However people want to buy these books.

Another place to find the books is your friends. If you have some friends related to these fields you can enjoy with these books. They should have collections of books. I think law books is the big problem to choosing in right way.

3rd way to getting business, finance and law books is go to online portal and buy from there you can get review there about that books but should have knowledge about that books before buying. You can't buy that books that is not in your knowledge.

I am talking about collecting of these books. If you getting some news paper per day, you can store all the data related to your choice also.

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Address and Journal books reviews

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Journal Books
Address books reviews in real sense it can bee use of address books. How we can address books and from where we can get address it is the question. Our questions can’t be that what can be reviews of address books.

Address books and be useful books for marinating the address of your friends. It can be use for store something. As a book address can be very useful to find out some data which you really need.

Like this journal books can be useful diary. To find out these books main resources are nowadays is web and search engines. If you need great stuff and resources about journal books you can visit on search engines to find out that.

For journal books, I think blog is suitable because blogs are the personal journal, diary, address.

So, reviews of address and journal books has not proper meaning like a books reviews.

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About fiction book

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fiction Books
If you are serious surely you will like to choose fiction book to read. I know fiction books in the world have their own importance. Without fictions books no one can know their life contradictions.

Fictions books are the part of literary books. These books just say about your life contradictions and their motions. So, in the world a writer is if famous then the cause behind this that he wrote fiction book.

Fiction writing can’t write everybody. There is some problem with this. If you are going to write these types of book then before it you have to read lots of books and will have to take lots of experience from real life.

I like those writers books which have wrote on real life and they were not professional writer who writes for money. Yes, I am talking about Premchand, Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorki, Turgnev etc.

They really deserve an honor for fictions books.

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Children Books Reviews

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Children Book Champak

There are many books for children but what books are liked by children? Children always like that books which have fantastic image with colourful. Most of the children like story books, comics books, puzzle books etc. But all the books are really grow their mind, thinking capacity?

It is said, “good books direct us in right directions”. Children always amuse and think hypothesis because they have no logic. They don't think on the basis of science. They are not concrete. So, if you provide a book to your child think before buying that.

In the market even in India there are many books for children like – Champak, Nandan, Suman Saurav etc. These are monthly magazine for children. Along with there are many famous comics for children. If your child addicted to all the books and magazine it is harmful for them.

You should provide some classical books with image to your child, some story books that can be grow their thinking capacity. Story reading makes broad mind because amusement gives new idea. So, give them lots of story book to read.

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Political Books Reviews

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Political Books Reviews

Politics is need of the day. It is known that politics is the superstructure of any society and economics is the base. On the base of economics politics runs. In this context world politics is affected by its economics. So, many politicians and their political steps describe political books reviews.

Politics of England, Philosophy of German and Revolutions of French is famous in all over world. We know revolutions take place when political propaganda fails. In the series of Lenin, Stalin, Rooswelt, Gandhi, Elizabeth and now Bush is the famous for its politics.

For political books reviews I have started that politicians which has a positions in history. And on that some books are written by some writer but in all the books has writers own view, approach I am going to review that approach.

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Review of literature books

Friday, July 25, 2008
War and Peace

Still, literature books are the corner stone of our culture development. Why so much famous literary books? It is the basic concept of it that it is the related of our life, our serrounding, our environment and it is our life story. We know, in the world most famous literature and writer of literature always liked by people. Literature is the mouth of any country history and life of people. It says always people life style and their life contradictions.

Personally, I like literary books which is most famous that has the positions in the world because after studying that we are able to find out contradictions in our life, we are able to understand our life problems. Literature is the art of saying peoples life contradictions.

In India also many writer are famous for their literature. My recommended books in this fields are Gunaho ka Devta, Anna Karenina, Father and Son, War and peace, Mother etc like these types of books.

My famous writers are – Leo Tolstoy, Dharmavir Bharti, Turgnev, Mopasa etc. The writer is most famous in their literary works.

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Introductions of Books reviews blog

Monday, June 23, 2008

Books are the collections of experience. So, I have some experience about books and novel that can be called literature books. That is why I am will to write a blog which will be on books and its reviews. I will not include all that book which is pocket book.

In my reviews there are literature books, political books, economics book, Social sciences books, science book, geography books, technology books, business books, philosophy books, books on women, critics of book etc.

All the aspect I will cover because it will be on my own experience which I have gain in process on my study. I have expertise on Political, literature and economical books. So, these are on my top review.

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