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The German Ideology – Philosophical Book

Sunday, September 28, 2008
The German Ideology was written by Marx. I have already wrote about Marx another book Das Capital which was a economical book. German Ideology was a Philosophical book which was written in 1845. It was Marx's initial book on the research of Philosophy for Phd. Degree.

In this book Marx has emphasized on Materialistic outlook of world. The book was for specially on Feurbach critiques. At first Marx was defined errors of Feurbach by this book. Dealing with this book Marx shown that materialistic concept of philosophy is dialectical not mechanism.

Feurbach was right when he was on nature but he was not right when he was on society in his theory. What was the basic error of Feurbach was concluded by this book. The German Ideology shows the German politics actually by German philosophy.


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