Still, literature books are the corner stone of our culture development. Why so much famous literary books? It is the basic concept of it that it is the related of our life, our serrounding, our environment and it is our life story. We know, in the world most famous literature and writer of literature always liked by people. Literature is the mouth of any country history and life of people. It says always people life style and their life contradictions.
Personally, I like literary books which is most famous that has the positions in the world because after studying that we are able to find out contradictions in our life, we are able to understand our life problems. Literature is the art of saying peoples life contradictions.
In India also many writer are famous for their literature. My recommended books in this fields are Gunaho ka Devta, Anna Karenina, Father and Son, War and peace, Mother etc like these types of books.
My famous writers are – Leo Tolstoy, Dharmavir Bharti, Turgnev, Mopasa etc. The writer is most famous in their literary works.
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