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New Book Review of “Marrying Anita”

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Marrying Anita Book
It is new book by Anita Jain. Anita Jain is Indian American Journalist who currently live in New Delhi. The Book Marrying Anita's full name is : “Marrying Anita: A Quest for Love in the New India”. The book is recently published by Penguin Publisher.

Anita Jain was a journalist who turned in to author with her book Marrying Anita: A Quest for Love in the New India. The Book shows the journey of Anita. The Journey is from New York to New Delhi. Recently the book is being famous.

In the reviews of the book HT writes, “...Marrying Anita is a book, which is not only about her encounters with the suitable grooms, but also about the modern India; its ambitious youngsters, booming economy and changing mindset of people living in Delhi, where she discovers youngsters like her who live life on their own terms. ...”

The book is being sold on Amazon, msn and more. On Amazon its price after deduction is $16.49 and along with the book Gift-wrap you can get also.
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Best Children's Book – Voted by Philip Pullman

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Recently in a news it has been announced that “Philip Pullman’s Northern Lights has been voted the best children’s book of the past 70 years by the public.” The news was from a online UK magazine. It was:

The author received 40 per cent of the total votes cast in an online poll, beating Mary Norton’s The Borrowers and Alan Garner’s The Owl Service.

The Top Ten “Carnegie of Carnegies” list was compiled by the organisers of Britain’s most prestigious prize in children’s literature, the CILIP Carnegie Medal.

The Carnegie does not offer a cash prize, but is sought after by children's writers because of its unique judging process. Unlike other literary awards, which seek submissions from publishers, the Carnegie takes its nominations from librarians.

Pullman said: “I am humbled and honoured that Northern Lights has been chosen from among so many wonderful books. Personally I feel they got the initials right but not the name. I don’t know if the result would be the same in a hundred year’s time; maybe Philippa Pearce would win then.”

The top ten list drew criticism when it was released in April for not including some of the best-known and most successful children’s writers of the era. Enid Blyton, J. K. Rowling and Jacqueline Wilson were not on the list because they have never won the prize. Read More From timesonline

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Wage Labour and Capital – An Economic Books Reviews

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wage, Labour and Capital book is written by Marx. It is the initial stage of Marx writing related to economy when he wrote the book. After that he wrote many books but at last Das Capital was most famous in the economic book.

In the introductions of the book Fredric Engles writes,
“...Therefore, I say to the reader at once: this pamphlet is not as Marx wrote it in 1849, but approximately as Marx would have written it in 1891. Moreover, so many copies of the original text are in circulation, that these will suffice until I can publish it again unaltered in a complete edition of Marx’s works, to appear at some future time...”

About the wage and money relation Marx explain,
“...The exchange value of a commodity estimated in money is called its price. Wages therefore are only a special name for the price of labour-power, and are usually called the price of labour; it is the special name for the price of this peculiar commodity, which has no other repository than human flesh and blood...”

You can read whole book from here: Wage Labour and Capital
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